Dr Dilum Jayawickrama is a fully Registered Medical Practitioner. He holds degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. He has a Master’s Degree in Psychiatry. Dr Dilum Jayawickrama is a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. His name is entered in the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council. Secretary of State has approved him under Section 12 of the Mental Health Act 1983 as having specialist experience in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.


  • MBBS (2000)

  • MRCPsych , Royal College of Psychiatrist – UK (2006)

  • MSc in Psychiatry, Cardiff University, UK (2009)

  • Completion of Certificate of Training (CCT) – Forensic Psychiatry (2010)

  • Approved under Section 12 of the MHA 1983 and currently hold Approved Clinician Status.

  • Awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (2019)

Offering forensic psychiatric evaluations, expert witness services.